NEWISM An Important Trend For 2013 and Beyond - GET THE FREE REPORT
/What's new ? That is what consumers want to know. In the report: (GET YOUR FREE COPY: 6 Forces Making NEWISM Relevant ) I share some thoughts on the NEWISM trend.
Brands like Fresh Fitness, Orange Theory, and Les Mills , among others, are all tapping into this trend in many ways in order to increase the relevance of their brands . Why ? What is new is FRESH and something to be EXCITED about. New technologies, changing consumers and innovation are all contributing to NEWISM. Its the secret sauce that some people really love.
What is causing this trend to be relevant ? 6 Drivers:
1. Creative Destruction;
2. The World Is Going Faster;
3. People Are Experience Cramming;
4. Consumers Are Into Status Streaming;
5. A New Class Of Trysumers Has Emerged; and
6. To Have Is To (H)OLD: STUFF isnt what it used to be.
Not all consumers or brands will be impacted by this trend but the surge in the Micro-Gym Market, Mobile Applications and High Intensity Training, in addition to other examples, are all emerging in connection with the NEWISM trend.
Check out the presentation below. You can get a copy for FREE: its embedded in this post. Please share the content via your social networks if you like it. More importantly PLEASE tell me what YOU think about the NEWISM trend and its 6 drivers. Thank you for your interest !
About the author:
Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, and shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He advises several successful global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank and serves as CEO of the Fitness Industry Technology Council. To learn more contact Bryan here today .