Marketing Your Fitness Business - Do You Care Enough ?

Thanks to my colleague Eleanor Hisey at Fitsomo who shared a post that I just had to use from Gary Vaynerchuk, and to my partner Robert Dyer who spent so much time with me last week. These two along with my conversation with some of Gold's Gyms leading franchisees at the GGFA roundtable on social media last week led to this post.

By the way it meant a great deal to me to be invited by Ginger Collins and the great bunch of GGFA professionals, who I love, to discuss social media marketing at the Gold's convention. Thanks Ladies :). I was particularly excited that Gordon Johnson, along with several other leading Gold's franchisees, were there and asked so many relevant questions. They wanted to know about using social media, yet the conversation was less about technology and more about being human. I'll explain.

In a world where brands are accustomed to only broadcasting or as Gary Vaynerchuk puts it, presenting their message, now consumers want engagement (see his video below and thanks again Eleanor :)). They want to interact. Consumers want to be relevant. Everything we used to think about marketing has ended because now marketing is the consumer's experience. Its not our message and what we want to tell them; its all about what is important to THEM and our recognizing that fact. The "Connected Consumer" trend has really accelerated this because of technology.

This is a very hard thing for many brands to grasp and execute. In a world where many old school CEO's still worry that having a twitter account opens them up to having to answer to consumers, well what can I say ? Anyone who would have to ask if they should have a twitter account demonstrates they do not understand. You see people who don't understand this, at least 90% of the time, must not really care because if they did they'd want to have customers be able to let them know when they are happy and when they are not. Right ?

This leads to my partner Robert and I having many conversations with customers and industry leaders last week both during the Gold's convention and following it. For those of you who know him, Robert is one of the most sincere and caring people you'd ever meet; he's very human and it shows. It was instructive to hear the comments from a highly respected industry leader who following our meeting asked, "Is this how you conduct all of your meetings?" Well Robert was unclear as to what the person met. They went on, "You see I am so used to getting pressured and sold and you did not even have a presentation." (So I might have paraphrased a bit :)). Get it now ? Its not about us its about them.

The bottom line is this, if health club and fitness brands keep broadcasting content around what they do, what they have, and who they are consumers aren't going to connect. We can't use social media effectively if its not centered around the customer and we must reengineer our businesses accordingly. If the DNA of your organization can't "GET IT" then you've got a real problem on your hands.

Watch the video above from Gary Vaynerchuck and tell me Bryan O'Rourke, what is your marketing strategy with social media ? Do you agree with Gary that you've got to change from presenting to working the room ? Thanks for your thoughts and for reading the post.

About the author:

Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He works for Fitmarc, which delivers Les Mills programs to over 700 facilities in the US and heads up the firms Integerus and Fitsomo. He advises successful global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank and is CEO of the Fitness Industry Technology Council (To join FIT-C visit ). Recently Bryan was named to the ACE industry advisory panel.  To learn more contact Bryan here today.


Why Quality Group Fitness Programming Is So Important To Facilities In 2013

Well its 2013, and the rush for health club memberships is on (see Regulars Bemoan Influx Of New Members) as people embrace their new years resolutions to keep fit and be healthy. With annual membership attrition rates exceeding 40% for most fitness facility operators, however, the question I have is, "what do you do when the membership rush is over?".

With any business, keeping a close eye on industry trends is a good idea to be competitive in the long term. IHRSA's recent 2012 Health Club Consumer Report provides some interesting information on key trends. I suggest you get your hands on a copy.

Most notable in the report are the fitness classes and group fitness trends . Did you know the most affluent health club members are those that participate in group fitness classes ? From 2009 - 2011, growth in fitness programs set to music soared over 15% and mind body and yoga classes grew 17%. There are a number of other interesting trends, including the growth of small group training formats.

With the market increasingly going through a "consumer hour glass" or "bifurcation" trend, if you are not either a low cost or key club competitor, offering very compelling group programming that addresses overall trends is very important to your success as a health club or as any fitness facility.

If you'd like to learn more about how you can enhance your group program offerings at your facility please let me know. We'd be happy to help. Keep an eye out for my upcoming report on Group Trends as well to learn more.

What do you think about these group fitness trends and the 2012 IHRSA Report ? Let me know your thoughts and happy new year !

About the author:

Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He works for Fitmarc, which delivers Les Mills programs to over 700 facilities in the US. He advises successful global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank and serves as CEO of the Fitness Industry Technology Council. To learn more contact Bryan here today .


As 2013 Approaches Is Your Mind Open To A Radical New Future ?

Our culture is increasingly digital, millennials are a larger global group than boomers so consumers are changing, and technology is revolutionizing industry after industry. When looking ahead to 2013 and beyond, how can you keep pace with the massige degree of change that is happening and is only going to increase ?

The answer lies in keeping an open mind. In my past post, How Does The Fitness Industry Change Its Mindset, I share specific examples of how organizations can maintain openness while forever searching the horizon for what is emerging.

As you prepare for 2013 how are you keeping an open mind ? Watch Google's recent Zeitgeist 2012 video for a year in review below. I think it provides a great perspective and is evidence that the world is indeed changing at a breakneck pace. Keep on searching. I look forward to your thoughts.

About the author:

Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He works for Fitmarc, which delivers Les Mills programs to over 700 facilities in the US. He advises successful global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank and serves as CEO of the Fitness Industry Technology Council. To learn more contact Bryan here today .


Part Of The Solution Or Part Of The Problem ?

It was an enjoyable time at the Florida Recreation and Parks Association Conference in Orlando last week (unfortunately I was worried as my wife and son were at home waiting out hurricane Isaac). The topic I presented on was Technology's Approaching Impact on Parks and Recreation. What is unique about the group of leaders I spoke with is that they work in municipal governments, managing everything from cemeteries and fitness facilities to child care centers and parks (as one leader explained from the cradle to the grave).

Our company fitmarc serves a number of fitness centers operated by municipalities by helping them deliver Les Mills group fitness programming, and therefore I was delighted to speak with the group. However, in learning about the challenges these leaders face I discovered a few things.

You've heard the saying before; Eldridge Cleaver is often cited as having coined this phrase in a 1968 speech, Charles Rosner, a renowned advertiser and marketer, actually wrote "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" for VISTA as a recruitment slogan in 1967. Why do I raise this question ? Because the idea that our governments are broken has as much to do with us as it has to do with "them".

Municipal, state and the federal governement are facing, like many of us in the commercial world, a decline in resources in the face of a spiraling demand for services. This dynamic exists in light of public policies and laws that sometimes are not practical or even relevant any longer. It also exists in a time when the opinion of Congress is at an all time low in the US. People look at government leaders sometimes like a "Monday morning quarterback". As the saying goes, if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Enter projects like Code for America and its intelligent forward thinking founder Jennifer Pahlka (see the clip below). Check out the Open Government initiative. There are a group of activist citizens transforming the way that local, state and federal government can work by changing how things are done. In particular they are using inexpensive technologies to solve problems in ways that traditional governments have not and really cannot. I think the audience in Florida really liked the ideas these types of organizations are bringing to life all over America.

The solutions to many of our most pressing problems lie in the adoption of new methods and ways of thinking because the world has changed and the old ways of doing things often does not work anymore. We are after all in the midst of a revolution. But what about government ? How can these leaders really adapt these new methods given their predicament ? Check out Code for America and please review my FREE presentation on how technology is going to impact recreation and parks. Watch Jennifer Pahlka's talk on TED regarding her ideas of changing government. A special thanks to the Florida Recreation and Parks Association for allowing me the chance to share views with a special group of leaders. You guys rock and it was fun.

Tell me, Bryan O'Rourke, are you just going to complain about how things are or are YOU going to do something about it ? I'd love to hear from you and find out what you think.

About the author:

Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He consults with global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank, is President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council and a partner in FitmarcIntegerusFitsomo and the Flywheel Group. To learn more contact Bryan here today .

IHRSA 2012 - A Big Week Ahead

Its always a pleasure and privledge to attend IHRSA's annual conference, and this year is no exception. Its a full week meeting with everyone from Michael Bruno, fitness manufacturing icon and legend, my partner and health club guru Robert Dyer, our Fitmarc team, the Les Mills team and many other leaders in the fitness and health club industry like Brent Hallo, Lisa and Nigel Champion, Lauretta Stace , Sal Pellegrino, Ginger Collins and many many others.

Make sure you stop by the Star Trac booth (they've got some pretty cool stuff there this year) and the Les Mills booth to see the latest in group fitness. Please consider attending The Next New Thing, Wednesday from 2:00 - 3:30 pm where I'm on a panel with Patch Evans and others discussing key trends. You should also check out the Fit-C group on Wednesday afternoon (room 301 A) to learn why technology standards are so important to future growth in the business. The list of opportunities to learn and participate at IHRSA 2012 goes on and on.

I hope you are able to attend IHRSA this year and if so please feel free to reach out to me or via social media @bryankorourke and tell me, Bryan O'Rourke, what do you or did you think about IHRSA 2012 ? If you can't attend let me know what it is I  can learn for you and I'll share it during or after the show !

About the author:

Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, and shareholder and executive in several fitness companies. He consults with numerous global brands, serves as a member of the GGFA Think Tank, is Chair of the Medical Fitness Association’s Education Committee and a partner in the Flywheel Group. To learn more contact Bryan here today .