Mobile Apps For Health & Fitness - We're Just Getting Started
/Perhaps you finally got that smartphone you always wanted. I know I have. Now over half of all mobile phones in the US are "Smart" and internet connected. The number of US Smartphone users has exceeded 75 million and many, including me, think the future of mobile is the future of everything .
While there are no shortages of fitness apps , even ones that make your iPhone a personal trainer, I think the mobile app trend is just getting started. 500 Million people worldwide will be using mobile health apps by 2015 according to research2guidance.
A good example of newer apps that are doing a better job of including gaming and other social features is Fleetly .Check the video below that demonstrates the apps features and tell me Bryan O'Rourke, what do you think of mobile smartphone apps for health and fitness ? What are your favorite apps ? Check out my report on Mobility Trends And The Health Club Industry to learn more on this interesting topic.
About the author Bryan O’Rourke:
Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financeer, shareholder and executive in several fitness and health club business service companies. He is also a partner in The Health Club For Women and Chairman of the Medical Fitness Association’s Education Committee. To learn more contact Bryan here today .