Angel Banos - An Impressive Health Club Operator And Visionary
/What an interesting time I had visiting the Los Angeles area this week. Richard Drengberg, the head of sales and marketing for Gold's Franchisee Gym Management Services was really kind to show me a number of their health club operations. To say they were some of the most impressive Gold's Gyms I've ever seen would be an understatement.
In addition to spending a lot of quality time with Rich discussing sales, marketing and technology, I was able to sit and chat with the legend, Angel Banos, CEO of Gym Management Services. From both my time in the health clubs to my personal visit with Angel Banos discussing the challenges and opportunities the fitness and health club industries face, it was obvious that he and his brother Willy, who was on a retreat in Peru with the Gold's Gym International team, have a deep respect for an organization's culture, an emphasis on customer experience and an openess to technology. All key ingredients in the elixir for success. Just speaking with Angel for over an hour I could see the creative juices flowing as we discussed the potential for technology to deliver another level of customer experience. You can see why these guys are innovators.
One thing Angel emphasized was that he and his brother Willy, along with their entire organization, have been fighting low cost health club models for years in southern California. To see their clubs first hand, they have eight Gold's Franchises and are planning many more, I can tell you that they are successfully delivering a $99 a month membership model for $40 a month in a market full of national chains and regional competitors. Impressive to say the least. Want to know who is beating the crap out of low cost high vallue competitors ? Visit these Gold's Gym operators to learn more. Their background in retail and their attention to service is evident in the atmosphere and value the clubs offer their members.
So tell me, Bryan O'Rourke, what do you think of these Gold's Gym operators, Willy and Angel Banos and their team? What do you think is the basis of their success ? Is it innovation ?
About the author Bryan O’Rourke:
Bryan O’Rourke is a health club industry expert, technologist, financier, shareholder and executive in several fitness and health club business service companies. He is also a partner in The Health Club For Women and Chairman of the Medical Fitness Association’s Education Committee. To learn more contact Bryan here today .